How To Develop Inspiring Personality & Support Long Term Growth

How to Develop Inspiring Personality & Support Long Term Growth

For some, inspiring others and themselves comes naturally. But don’t fret if that’s not the case with you. With commitment and consistency, just about anyone can develop an inspiring personality.

In this guide, I share a few important qualities you must cultivate if you want to inspire co-workers, associates, family, friends, or anyone around you to greatness.

What Makes an Inspiring Personality?

Inspiration is vital in any creative process. A scientific study concludes that inspiration is so powerful in real life that its effects go beyond individuals to entire societies.

But what exactly does it mean to be inspiring?

An inspiring personality is someone with some or all of these qualities:

  • Positive attitude: An inspiring individual possesses a strong sense of optimism, shielding them from fear-based decisions and behaviors.
  • Growth mindset: Besides encouraging others to pursue growth opportunities, inspiring individuals are heavily invested in personal growth and motivation.
  • Respectful: An inspiring leader treats each human being respectfully and equally, regardless of class, sex, race, ethnicity, or beliefs.
  • Integrity: Uplifting people create a trusting environment by demonstrating that they are reliable and can be trusted with deeply personal and sensitive matters. In turn, those around them learn to uphold those values.
  • Approachable: People don’t fear those who inspire them. Instead, people enjoy being around inspiring individuals because they are welcoming, and their positive energy rubs off on others.
  • Great communicators: They may not necessarily be orators, but an inspiring leader possesses good communication skills. In addition to using words effectively, they know how to convey their message using non-verbal methods.

How to Develop an Inspiring Personality

two girls in meeting

It’s easy to inspire people in theory, but where the rubber meets the road is in real life situations.

Whether in a leadership capacity with an employee or among peers and friends, you must regularly practice certain qualities and personality traits to cultivate an inspirational personality. Below are some important personality traits you should work to develop.

1. Identify and Develop Core Values

What would you like to be known for? How do you want people to feel about you when interacting with you?

Sit down, figure out the values that matter most to you, and start practicing them regularly. Remember, practice is the best way to cultivate core values.

Personal values vary between individuals, but inspiring people often share some common core values, such as:

  • Courage
  • Trustworthiness
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Assertiveness
  • Dependability
  • Generosity
  • Empathy

2. Cultivate an Enthusiastic Attitude

Every day, more and more people are looking for ways to stay positive and find happiness in a world full of negativity. They will gravitate toward you if you have an enthusiastic attitude.

Here’s a well-known fact about enthusiasm: it is contagious!

People want to feel a palpable sense of enthusiasm when they are around an inspiring personality. They want to feel energized, to come alive, and to be inspired.

The good news is that sharing enthusiasm isn’t difficult; just be passionate about what you do. It also prompts others to put their best efforts into whatever they do.

For example, give it your all when working. Yes! Be enthusiastic about your current job, even if it sucks! You can’t inspire and support others toward long-term career growth if you demonstrate slothfulness in your work and are incapable of becoming a successful person.

3. Be Supportive of Others

Being supportive of others is another important way to develop an inspiring personality. Interestingly, you don’t necessarily have to support others directly.

For example, you can encourage a collaborative environment that supports individuals to pursue their goals in the workplace, school, or community.

You can be supportive of your family and friends, too.

What will steer your significant other in the direction of their goals? In what ways can you help siblings be more tolerant or welcoming? What great opportunities do you think may be helpful to a family member or friend?

As an inspiring person, you must think of ways to support other people’s long-term growth just as you pursue long-term character development.

4. Believe in Others (And Yourself)

Nothing inspires others more than helping them realize their capabilities ― pointing out possibilities they may think unattainable or otherwise not have considered.

Seeing the good in others is a powerful way to steer them toward personal development. It helps direct their focus, clarify their vision, and shape their future.

In addition, practice making others feel appreciated, accepted, and worthy, regardless of mistakes.

For example, instead of adopting an “I told you so” attitude when people make mistakes or experience failure, let them feel they can do better next time.

It is highly inspiring to point out people’s ability to learn, adapt, and grow.

As you may have figured, genuinely believing in others starts with firmly believing in your own worthiness. You can’t possibly inspire others to believe in themselves if you struggle with self-doubt or have a low sense of self-worth.

That’s another way of saying you must first build a strong foundation for yourself before encouraging, inspiring, or motivating others.

5. Take Responsibility for Your Actions

Never make the mistake of portraying yourself as flawless ― no one is. Being an inspiring personality doesn’t make you perfect or mean you are above mistakes.

Instead, it is being unafraid to show your vulnerabilities.

People can easily relate to someone who openly acknowledges their weaknesses and areas of improvement. Taking responsibility is what separates inspiring leaders from arrogant bosses.

Instead of being scared of you, people are drawn to you when you show up as your authentic self. This way, they can trust you with confidential issues and share their shortcomings with you because they rely on your sense of judgment.

Final Thoughts

It’s not difficult to see how developing an inspiring personality is a sure path to personal development. You cannot genuinely want to uplift others without improving yourself in the process.

Supporting and inspiring others requires selflessness, passion, optimism, and commitment to continuous learning.

No doubt, it takes consistent practice to fully develop the above qualities. Yet, the benefits in professional and social settings are worth more than the effort.

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