how to deal with someone who doesn't respect boundaries

How to Deal With Someone Who Doesn’t Respect Boundaries

Setting personal boundaries is tricky to master, but it gets more difficult and frustrating to implement when people deliberately violate your space, time, feelings, and personal decisions. This is especially true about those closest to you.

Knowing how to deal with someone who doesn’t respect boundaries is important for a number of reasons.

First, it reminds you of who’s in charge: You!

Controlling or abusive individuals will want to talk you into letting them run your life as they deem fit, and “subtle” personal boundary invaders will try to sell you the idea that you are overly sensitive (and they do this in the most respectful way!).

You might start to question your core values and doubt yourself if you don’t know how to deal with boundary invaders. Before long, you will ask yourself questions like, “Am I being too rigid? Should I reconsider my boundaries? What if I’m just inconsiderate and covering it up with so-called rules and limits?”

Additionally, knowing how to handle people who don’t respect personal boundaries helps you identify and weed out toxic individuals from your life and limit or cut off unhealthy relationships.

Besides, you will get better at communicating and restating your boundaries as well as reviewing or negotiating unimportant ones.

All this points to one thing: You take your level of physical and mental comfort around others seriously and are willing to practice ongoing self-examination to choose the right relationships for you.

Keep reading to learn how to deal with someone who doesn’t respect boundaries.

Signs You Don’t Have Clear Boundaries

women holding yes or no buttons

The first question to ask yourself when people invade your mental, emotional, or physical space is whether you actually have clear boundaries.

Here’s the thing.

Many people assume others should know their boundaries. In many cases, we overestimate how strong our boundaries are, only to be disappointed and frustrated when others just don’t seem to respect them.

Truth is, setting healthy boundaries and enforcing them takes a lot of practice. You might have to ruffle a few feathers, no matter how gentle and respectful you are. That’s another way of saying people may never respect your boundaries if taking a firm stand for yourself is uncomfortable.

Are people actually disrespecting your boundaries? Perhaps the real problem is that you don’t have clearly established personal boundaries, to begin with.

Here are a few signs of weak personal boundaries:

  • Worrying too much about letting others down: Having difficulty saying “no” to people ― people-pleasing ― is one of the clearest signs you don’t have clear boundaries. You find it easier to go along with other people’s plans rather than set personal limits.
  • Feeling others don’t respect you: A lack of clear personal boundaries makes it difficult for people to show you the respect you deserve since they are unsure how to behave around you. Most of the time, this can leave you somewhat annoyed (at yourself and others) because you feel taken advantage of.
  • Tolerating difficult relationships: You may unknowingly tell others to treat you poorly if you continue to put up with codependent or one-sided effort relationships.
  • Constant feeling of guilt: People with weak boundaries often feel guilty for just about everything, no matter how inconsequential. This makes them easy targets for emotional manipulators.
  • A desperate need to be accepted by others:Deep down, you have a secret fear of rejection. This probably ties back to growing up in an unloving environment, and now, you seek to be accepted as an adult, so you keep lowering the bar until you are unsure of what you really stand for.

Establish and Communicate Your Boundaries

hand interrupting falling dominoes

To know how to deal with someone who doesn’t respect boundaries, you must first set clear-cut boundaries and communicate the same without any ambiguities. In other words, you must consistently stand your ground, state and restate your values, and never back out if you want to be taken seriously.

Of course, personal boundaries aren’t set in stone.

Reviewing and negotiating values, ideals, and standards that aren’t particularly helpful in advancing your relationships is okay. It is perfectly fine to let go of principles that no longer serve you, even if they were once part of your identity.

However, you shouldn’t compromise when it comes to boundaries that define who you currently are.

Here are a few important tips on how to set and communicate healthy personal boundaries:

  • First, define what’s acceptable to you ― your rules. Also, decide where you may be willing to compromise and understand your limits (non-negotiable areas).
  • Acknowledge your needs, recognize your values, and practice self-compassion when setting personal boundaries. However, healthy boundaries shouldn’t be at the expense of others. You want to set rules and limits that are fair to everyone, so be considerate when drawing the line.
  • Politely but firmly tell others what your boundaries are in clear terms. Let them know how you prefer to be treated at work, at home, in social settings with friends, and when visiting family.
  • Don’t apologize for having boundaries. They reflect your core values, and you shouldn’t feel sorry for protecting your physical, mental, and emotional space.
  • Respectfully turn down requests that signal others to violate or disrespect your boundaries.
  • Be assertive about your boundaries but remember to respect others, too.

How to Deal With Someone Who Doesn’t Respect Boundaries

girl standing near glass saying no

Just because you have clear boundaries doesn’t mean everyone will respect them. However, if you’ve done your best to establish consistent boundaries, and someone invades them on purpose, you must take steps to handle the boundary buster.

Keep in mind that handling or dealing with people who violate your boundaries is not the same as trying to change them. In most cases, someone who consistently disrespects your boundaries is unwilling to see things from your perspective, so avoid the impossible task of trying to change them.

Here are some crucial steps you take if someone continues to violate your boundaries:

Identify Your Role in Enabling the Unwanted Behavior

First, figuring out your role in the recurring personal boundary violation is important. Are you enabling the boundary buster? Are you doing something to suggest you aren’t consistent? Do you respect your own boundaries?

Like many people, you might think your boundaries are created for others, but that’s a common misconception.

Your boundaries reflect your values ― they should focus on you, not others!

The people in your life will respect you to the extent that you treat yourself with the respect you want. People won’t take you more seriously than you take yourself, right?

In other words, start with yourself. Look inward to identify the values you are not respecting and make necessary changes.

Once you make the changes and start showing up differently, others around you will start to take you more seriously.

But what if you’re dealing with a toxic, narcissistic individual?

Protecting your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is a significant part of having a healthy respect for yourself. If someone is deliberately harming you (especially physically), show yourself some respect and cut off all contact or limit contact with the narcissist as much as possible.

Indeed, you can’t control others or force them to respect your boundaries. But you can change how you show up and influence those who relate and interact with you.

Continue Being Consistent With Your Boundaries

Don’t let boundary busters make you second-guess your values. Continue to stand your ground and never allow anyone with a history of disrespecting you to push back your boundaries.

Your current circumstance might make this a bit tricky, especially if you are somehow dependent on the person not respecting your boundary. I’ll cover some special challenges to consider in a bit, but suffice it to say that you’re not left without options, no matter how difficult the situation seems.

How do you consistently stand your ground when dealing with a boundary buster?

Here’s my top recommendation: Acknowledge their request and restate what you are comfortable with.

Don’t make excuses; avoid offering unnecessary explanations or using words that give room for further engagements and possible negotiations.

For example, you can politely turn down a request by saying something along the lines of, “I understand what you want, and I can see that it is upsetting to you that I won’t do as you ask.

Notice the deliberate use of the phrases in bold typeface (“and” “I won’t”).

When using conjunctions, consider using “and” instead of “but,” as the former sends a complete message, while the latter creates cracks in the message, suggesting a weak resolve.

Also, “I won’t” conveys finality and inflexibility. It states your resolve more firmly and says your decision is not open to negotiations.

Using phrases like “I can’t” gives room for responses such as “Prove that you can’t” or “Why can’t you?” You want to avoid further engagement with a habitual boundary violator, so choose your words carefully.

Change How You Respond

Sometimes, all it takes to regain your power is to respond differently to the violator about the boundary issue.

Avoid an argument, tough conversation, or situation that prolongs discussions about your rules and limits. Remember, your rules represent your core values (have I said that enough?), so it is not up for debate.

Changing your response to a personal boundary violation could mean ignoring the violator instead of engaging in unnecessary arguments. You may even choose to laugh off their comments, but make sure it is appropriate to do so.

The idea is to let the violator know that you won’t react as they had hoped. Showing someone who doesn’t respect boundaries that they can’t ruffle your feathers deprives them of the power they assume they can wield over you.

However, you must use a different approach (discussed next) if the violator physically harms you.

Cut Off or Limit Contact

As disappointing as this may sound, the truth is that not everyone will respect your boundaries. And this is regardless of your best efforts in restating your rules and limits. 

You might be dealing with a narcissist if someone blatantly refuses to respect your boundaries despite repeated firm warnings.

You can decide to completely cut off all forms of contact with the boundary violator. If that is not possible, limit contact as much as possible. For example, reduce the time you spend with them or avoid being left alone with them.

You can also choose to communicate only in writing. This is especially a good option if the boundary violation occurs in a work environment or between separated couples.

Here’s something else to keep in mind.

Avoid engaging a physically abusive person. Your safety in any relationship should be your top priority here. If there has been violence or threats of violence from a habitual boundary buster, I strongly recommend seeking professional intervention or involving law enforcement agencies.

Challenges to Consider When Dealing With Boundary Violators

Knowing how to deal with someone who doesn’t respect boundaries can be tricky. You must factor in your unique situation before choosing the most appropriate way to respond.

This is especially true when dealing with people you can’t easily avoid in your current circumstance, like a family member.

Before you implement the suggestions outlined above, consider the following:

  • Is the boundary violator someone in a position of authority (parent, guardian, teacher, or boss)?
  • Are you a minor? Do you depend on this person for your basic needs?
  • Do you live with the person? Do you love and care for them?
  • Is the boundary buster being physically aggressive?

Your approach will depend on the person in question. For example, your response when dealing with someone in a position of authority (like your uncle or aunt) will be different than how you respond to your teacher or boss.

The most important thing is to communicate your clear boundary calmly but firmly. You don’t have to be forceful or yell to be heard.

Respect yourself and others, but paint your line on the concrete rather than drawing it in the sand. This way, no violator can easily coax you into pushing back your healthy boundaries.

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