Affirmation For Prosperity

130 Affirmation For Prosperity [And How to Write Your Own]

Having a favorite affirmation for prosperity is like having an ace up your sleeve – you can use it as a powerful secret weapon to motivate and inspire yourself regardless of what external circumstances may suggest.

I recently shared some divine inspiration quotes from famous people to help you maintain a more positive outlook on life.

However, sometimes you need to come up with powerful statements or affirmations that resonate with you rather than quotes from someone else.

In the last section of this post, I share a few tips on how to write your own affirmation for prosperity.

In the meantime, here are some prosperity and abundance-focused affirmations to supercharge your life. Repeating these affirmations can help you overcome a scarcity mindset and live a more prosperous life.

“I Am” Affirmation for Prosperity

relaxed girl enjoying weather
Image source: Pixabay

“I am” statements are powerfully creative! They are some of the most powerful affirmations you can use.

Think of them like vision statements – they are concise, clear, and associated with desirable outcomes.

Here are some you might want to use.

  1. I am enough.
  2. I am a powerful creator.
  3. I am a money magnet.
  4. I am the master of my own prosperity.
  5. I am worthy of outrageous abundance.
  6. I am worthy of receiving lots of money.
  7. I am open to unlimited possibilities.
  8. I am authentic.
  9. I am the architect of my fate.
  10. I am able to achieve my dreams.
  11. I am peaceful, centered, and grounded.
  12. I am lovable and loving.
  13. I am worthy of success.
  14. I am living in endless prosperity.
  15. I am good at making and managing money.
  16. I am able to easily handle large sums of money.
  17. I am at peace with having large sums of money.
  18. I am living a magnificent life of excessive abundance.
  19. I am in tune with the energy of abundance.
  20. I am united with the abundance of energy.
  21. I am open to new solutions and creativity.
  22. I am open to being abundantly supported always.
  23. I am proud of my accomplishments.
  24. I am living in a state of affluence.
  25. I am worthy of excessive riches.
  26. I am manifesting my desires.
  27. I am a go-getter.
  28. I am open to new opportunities for abundance daily.
  29. I am receptive to all the wealth coming into my life.
  30. I am open to receiving abundance in unimaginable ways.
  31. I am connected to the endless abundance of the universe.
  32. I am supported in everything I do.
  33. I am constantly attracting new opportunities for prosperity.
  34. I am fully supported by making money following my dreams.
  35. I am capable of achieving greatness.
  36. I am worthy of my dream job.
  37. I am creating the career of my dreams.
  38. I am constantly attracting outrageous abundance into my life.
  39. I am generous with money.
  40. I am quick to identify opportunities for wealth in all situations.
  41. I am proud of myself and who I am becoming.
  42. I am excited for the abundance that is coming my way.
  43. I am committed to achieving success in everything I do.
  44. I am able to attract abundance daily.
  45. I am surrounded by positive people.
  46. I am my best source of motivation.
  47. I am always eager to explore new opportunities for success.
  48. I am in tune with the abundance of success.
  49. I am open to receiving unexpected opportunities.
  50. I am blessed.

Gratitude Affirmation for Prosperity

One of the secrets to manifesting your desires is strongly believing that what you are affirming is done already. A good way to do that is to be genuinely grateful for your desires.

Repeat these gratitude affirmations for the prosperous life you already have, even if your current situation suggests otherwise.

  1. I am grateful for all the positive aspects of my life.
  2. I am grateful for my current abundance and what is on the way.
  3. I am grateful for all that I receive now.
  4. I welcome miracles into my life.
  5. I am grateful for everything in my life.
  6. I am grateful for being a successful individual.
  7. I am grateful for my abundance mindset.

Money Affirmations

magnet pulling money
Image source: Pixabay

Limiting beliefs about money can hinder the energy of money from flowing freely into our lives. The following affirmations can help shift your beliefs from lack to financial abundance.

  1. I love money, and money loves me.
  2. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
  3. Money comes to me effortlessly. 
  4. I embrace new avenues of income every day.
  5. I welcome an infinite source of wealth into my life.
  6. Money assists me in becoming my true self.
  7. I open my mind to receive the overflowing energy of money.
  8. I always have enough money.
  9. Money improves the quality of my life.
  10. It is safe for me to make lots of money.
  11. It is safe for me to receive abundance right now.
  12. It is safe for me to be wildly wealthy and successful.
  13. I can easily balance enormous success.
  14. All-round wealth flows into my life.
  15. Every day and in many ways, I create constant prosperity and abundance.
  16. It is safe for me to have anything I desire.
  17. Money expands my experiences.
  18. I always attract opportunities to manifest lots of money.
  19. My finances are constantly improving beyond my wildest dreams.
  20. I love money because it allows me to do so much good. 
  21. More financial doors open for me as I allow more abundance into my life.
  22. I allow excessive money into my life.
  23. I have more than enough.
  24. I am in control of my financial situation.
  25. I have plenty of energy, money, and time.
  26. My thoughts create my prosperous life.
  27. I receive freely and give willingly.
  28. There is more than enough money to go around.
  29. I love making money.
  30. Making money is fun and easy.
  31. I am blessed with multiple sources of income.
  32. Prosperity flows to me and through me.
  33. Money is eager to come into my life.

More Affirmations for Prosperity

Want more powerful prosperity affirmations? Here are some more positive statements to choose from. It is usually good to go with positive statements that resonate with you.

  1. My life is a shining example of success.
  2. I choose a prosperous lifestyle.
  3. My life is a success story.
  4. Every day I am becoming richer.
  5. I can be, do, and have everything I desire.
  6. Abundance is my birthright.
  7. Prosperity is drawn to me with ease.
  8. I create the life I want.
  9. I receive unexpected opportunities.
  10. I know I can achieve greatness.
  11. I currently have everything I need to be successful.
  12. I can achieve whatever I set my mind to.
  13. Every day, I attract money easily and effortlessly.
  14. I am open to receiving the highest and best life for me.
  15. I receive inspiration to achieve my goals.
  16. I receive and accept unexpected money.
  17. I attract positive and supportive people.
  18. I live a happy and successful life.
  19. I am deserving of happiness, love, respect, and success.
  20. I see abundance everywhere I look.
  21. Abundance is forever flowing into my life. 
  22. Abundance is now infinitely flowing through me at every moment.
  23. I allow abundance to come to me now.
  24. My thoughts and actions are constantly creating prosperity for me.
  25. I believe in myself.
  26. I enjoy abundant health, joy, and love.
  27. I celebrate the abundance of everything in my life.
  28. I experience outrageous abundance in every area of my life.
  29. I stay focused on my vision and pursue my daily work with passion.
  30. My life is working out exactly as it should.
  31. Wealth constantly flows into my life.
  32. The abundance in my life is a vessel for good.
  33. I am ready to receive my wildest dreams.
  34. Today I am open to experiencing happiness, peace, joy, and all-around success.
  35. I believe that I can do anything I set my mind on.
  36. I am achieving my goals and dreams every day.
  37. I choose positivity.
  38. I accomplish all of my goals with ease.
  39. I always succeed in all my endeavors.
  40. Today, I welcome financial abundance into my life.

How to Write Your Own Affirmations

man writing a note
Image source: Pixabay

No doubt, this list contains plenty of affirmations that can reprogram your mind for success and abundance.

However, not all prosperity affirmations will sit well with you. Depending on your current set of beliefs, some of these affirmations may sound too farfetched or even ridiculous to you.

For example, “I am constantly attracting outrageous abundance into my life” might be too “out there” for you if you are neck-deep in debt.

It is a good idea to come up with your own affirmation for prosperity if you prefer to use words that completely resonate with you.

But before you start stringing words together, here are a few tips to help you write prosperity affirmations that actually work.

1. Start with Accessible Statements

Affirmations that feel like too much of a stretch are less likely to work for you (even though they are true for others).

I strongly recommend starting with statements that are more accessible for your current perspective. For example, saying “I am open to new opportunities for abundance daily” may be easier to believe.

Your ability to feel more prosperous will increase with time. And as that happens, you can add bigger statements to your daily affirmations.

2. Write in Present Tense

You want to help your mind imagine the outcome of your positive statement. For this reason, you need to write your affirmations as if they are already done and not something that you hope will happen sometime in the future.

3. Keep Your Statements Short

Write short and sweet statements. They are easier to commit to memory than long essays.

For example, “I am worthy of excessive riches” is a more succinct and precise statement than something like “I am worthy of having plenty of money so that I can do well for myself, my family, and all the people around me.”

4. Focus and Affirm What You Want, Not What You Don’t Want

Lastly, it is a common mistake for people to affirm the opposite of what they really want by including negatives in their affirmations.

For example, “I am not poor” may sound like a positive statement. But since your subconscious mind does not process negatives, it will only hear “I am poor.”

A better statement would be, “I am rich.”

Affirming what you don’t want is a futile attempt at pushing against what you don’t want. Instead, focus your energy only on what you want in your life.

5. Start with “I Am” If Possible

Start your affirmation with “I am” if you want to give your subconscious mind a direct command.

However, remember that any statement you make following the phrase “I am” is powerfully creative, so choose your words wisely.

Final Thoughts

Saying my favorite affirmation for prosperity on a daily basis helped me believe that excessive prosperity is possible for me. And it is my hope these affirmations will similarly serve you too.

Prosperity isn’t just about a large sum of money. It is a state of being that encompasses happiness, excellent health, and financial and material success.

Regardless of your current situation, you can shift your predominant thoughts and mindset from lack and scarcity to positivity and abundance by repeating prosperity affirmations.

Of course, you must work to achieve success and prosperity, but it all starts with developing the right mindset. And that’s why it is important to repeat your affirmations every day. They will make you feel abundant as ever!

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